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Strong Relationships = Strength

It would be an insult for me to write this article on the preposition that none of you have strong relationships - nor had strong relationships prior to beginning your cancer journey. I know for a fact that this is NOT the case. However, let me spend just a few minutes reminding all of us what makes these strong relationships so important and why, at this critical time in your lives, building more of these relationships will be part of your "life-strength".

As humans, we are physical, spiritual and emotional. Our social lives are tied to all three of these. It makes sense then, that during times of crisis and illness we often find our social lives greatly impacted for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most obvious is the need to stay away from the hosts of germs that permeate social gatherings during treatment. Additionally, it has been my experience, that close friends whom you have had strong relationships with prior to cancer may find it difficult to know what to say and do to encourage you during this time - and consequently pull away some. Or, you may find that YOU are beginning to pull away because it feels like you are being selfish that every conversation centers on you. A valid and important reason relationships may suffer is that you are putting all your effort into being pronounced cancer clean and in full remission. As imperative as this is - that leaves little time for nurturing the social part of you.

Recently I was on a walk with a dear friend. We were enjoying the beautiful summer evening in Colorado as we walked and chatted. At one point my friend she shared how our time together was a reminder to her that in the recent hubbub of her life she has not spent as much time as she should building and growing relationships with her friends and family. Her youngest daughter was just married last weekend and what a celebration of love it was! However, the wedding was quite large, and to save on money, she did much of the wedding planning. Her spring was consumed with this wedding. I am not equating her spring to your cancer journey, but there are some similarities, particularly in the case of being focused on one thing in your life to the exclusion of other parts of your life.

God created us as whole beings. If we focus too intently on any one part of our life the other parts suffer. While engaging in the biggest fight of your life physically, spiritually and emotionally, it is imperative that you do not allow the social part to atrophy. Physical, spiritual and emotional strength are intimately tied to the strength of our social lives.

Take a few moments this month to reflect on the social part of your life and write down a few people you would like to contact and/or see. Then beside that person's name write some specific things you can ask them about, such as what is going on in their lives currently - or things to reminisce about. Between now and the end of 2013 go down that list - as you have the time and energy - and stay connected, reconnect or begin connecting. Your body will thank you for it!

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Alternative Medicine for Liver Cancer

This article is one of a series of different articles looking to provide individuals with accurate and reliable information to help people prevent, treat and recover from cancer. At the present there is no cure for cancer, but that does not mean that people do not recover from cancer. Many people have been successful at beating cancer and have gone to live long productive lives. This article is based on the notion that cancer is better treated with a multidimensional approach. Many researchers believe that the best approach to treat cancer is an approach that includes conventional medicine and alternative medicine. Types of conventional cancer treatments include chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Examples of alternative medicine include herbs, diet, supplementation, acupuncture, meditation, etc. Your chances of recovering from cancer can be improved if you and your health care provider use such a multidimensional approach

Lifestyle and diet

The liver is the major organ of detoxification in the body. As a result, liver cells are repeatedly exposed to toxic and reactive molecules. Liver cells can sustain damage from short term exposure to large quantities of highly toxic compounds, or long-term exposure to other less toxic compounds. Over time, the detoxification and reparative mechanism in the liver can become overwhelmed, which can result in cirrhosis and can also cause DNA damage and eventually liver cancer. Thus, reducing exposure to chemical toxins is a significant way to reduce the risk of liver cancer. The most common toxins include alcohol, oral estrogens, iron overload, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (found in cigarette smoke) and certain compounds found in petrochemicals, insecticides, and solvents. Nitrosamines are particularly toxic to the liver. There are over 300 nitrosamines which are found in tobacco smoke, some cosmetics, latex and rubber products, beer, bacon, and cured meats.

Cruciferous vegetables are especially beneficial for liver function and may reduce the symptoms associated with liver cancer. In addition to supporting detoxification, they contain compounds that reduce inflammation and stimulate apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells. Cabbage extract was shown in vitro and in vivo to kill cancer cells and stimulate immune system activity. Cruciferous vegetables include: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, kale, mustard green, turnips, and watercress. Because the nutrient value of these foods can be substantially diminished with cooking, it is best to eat them slightly steamed.

Nutrients and Herbs

Ginseng: Earlier studies and a more recent in vitro study indicated that Panax Ginseng inhibits the growth of liver cancer by inducing apoptosis of liver cancer cells.

Green Tea: Several studies have demonstrated that green tea is an effective anticancer agent, for all types of cancer. You need to drink at least five cups of green tea daily to get results.

Limonene: A compound found in citrus fruits, has demonstrated apoptotic effects in liver cancer cells in vitro.

Mushroom Extracts: Active hexose correlated compound (AHCC), a compound derived from polysaccharides extracted from mushrooms, may prolong survival and improve prognosis of patients with advance liver cancer and delay the gradual decline of their physiological status.

Pine Bark Extract (Pychogenol): In vitro studies showed this herbal antioxidant to selectively inhibit growth of human liver cancer cells while slightly promoting the growth of normal, healthy liver cells.

Selenium: This trace mineral provides additional antioxidant activity by regenerating glutathione. It also exerts antiviral effects, which is especially useful when viral hepatitis B or C is implicated with the cancer.

Silymarin (Milk Thistle Extract): This flavonoid complex found in Milk Thistle has antioxidant activity and helps stabilize the cell membranes of liver cells. Silymarin also helps maintain adequate levels of glutathione, an amino acid that provides antioxidant protection for healthy liver cells.

Vitamin C: In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions of Vitamin C exert some protective effect against liver cancer.

The liver is the key organ for detoxification. Avoiding alcohol is essential, as is supporting liver function before, during and after conventional cancer treatment. A well balanced diet is highly recommended one that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables. Also taking organic supplements is highly recommended. A regular exercise routine is highly encouraged as well; 30 minutes of moderate exercise three to four times per week and increase it as your body allows you to. Always consult with your doctor before taking any herbal supplements, and never stop any of your current medications before seeking help from a professional health provider. Please feel free to contact my if you have any specific questions or if you like to read other information I have written regarding cancer and alternative medicine.

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