Do you know somebody who is currently going through chemotherapy? If so, you know that your friend is going through a difficult, challenging period in their life. It's easy to feel helpless when you're not the person going through the struggle, but there's no reason to feel bad and sit on the sideline. As a friend, you can do a lot of great service helping somebody who is going through intense radiation treatments. How can you be supportive? Consider the following ways in order to become a great help during a difficult time.
Accompany Your Friend to Appointments
There's no doubt that your friend will absolutely appreciate having you join them for their appointments, if they ask. Even if you're there just to hold their hand, your presence can allow them to be at ease when the doctor is giving them difficult information. If you're close to the person, you can also remind them about past medical issues or current side effects in case they forget. Being at the consultations and the meetings will allow your friend to be less stressed during the conversations. They'll also appreciate the fact that you're driving them around after any radiation sessions. Going through chemotherapy can take away the energy of the person going through the treatment, so you'll be making the life of your friend a lot easier if you're doing the little things such as driving.
Provide Your Friend with Fun Activities
As a friend, it's important to help keep the person who is going through chemotherapy mind off of their pain. Try to think of fun activities that will keep you both happy and motivated. You can do something simple like a movie, game night, or a sightseeing tour that will provide your friend with an unforgettable experience. Either way, it's up to you to take the big step of being the planner. Your friend will absolutely appreciate your effort to make their life that much brighter.
Take Care of Your Friend's Errands
There are definitely going to be some times when your friend needs to get some tasks done, but they lack the energy. Try to work out a system where you come by on occasion to take care of some basic tasks, so your friend can rest. Make sure they still live a high quality of life even though they're sick.
Again, even if you're not the one who is going through chemotherapy, you can still provide an important presence for your friend who is going through the hard time. Always be patient, attentive, and willing to help out if possible. You would like somebody assisting you if you had a medical issue, right? Don't be afraid to give your friend a call and ask them what you can do to help improve their life. Just picking up the phone and showing consideration is a major step, so get in contact with the person you and try to make their life a lot better if possible.
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