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Hey! You Wanna Get Well or What?

Recently, I was speaking with a neighbor friend who has successfully battled cancer in her appendix. So, I sat down with her and asked her how she did it. This is the story she shared with me.

Sandy (name has been changed to protect her identity), was told she had cancer about a year ago. Thankfully, she was in the early stages of her dis-order so there was a lot she could do naturally. She opted to go with her doctor's suggestions and have surgery to remove a small cancerous tumor on her appendix. Once the tumor was removed she was told she was cancer free. What a relief, or so she thought. She was still feeling ill and her quality of life was not better. Going back to the doctor she realized that the other health issues she had before the cancer were still to blame for her physical condition. Sandy, had issues with her kidneys, parathyroids, tumors on her glands and hypertension. She was overwhelmed and did not know what to do. Her medications now numbered in the double digits to a total of 18!. Literally, being sick and tired of being sick and tired she cried herself to sleep.

The next day she decided she had to make a decision. Was she going to live or was she going to slowly die? Before answering that question, she thought, how did I get here? She took out a pen and paper and began to write. She wrote about her childhood at the hands of an unloving mother. The pain and shame of domestic violence at the hands of her third and final husband. Her 'Wasband' as he is called, was a drug addict who lied and stole from her quite often. Then there is her 'Wasband's' grandchild she is raising, at 14 she is the only mom he has ever known. Actually, she writes, "I need to mention my own children. Dealing with their selfishness and ungrateful attitudes really angers me!"

After about 3 hours of writing non-stop she realized that she wrote out her entire life on the pages that stared back at her. Reading the words she wrote she realized where her dis-ease was coming from. She passed on to her children and grandchild the same unloving traits she was exposed to as a child. She spent more time shopping than she did trying to love herself. She looked for the love her mom did not give her in places where it did not exist. Having realized this, she was relieved, yet, knew that now the real work of healing can begin.

She sought solace and support in the arms of her journal and her church. She did the work of healing herself so she could heal her relationships. Seeking guidance from her pastor and others with similar experiences she was able to see a little joy in her life. Funny thing began to happen, the more and more she began healing her emotional traumas, the better she felt. She then began changing how she ate to allow her body to fight off the tumors that grew as a result the emotional trauma she held onto for so many years.

Sandy is still cancer free, yet, her organs are slowly beginning to function better and the tumors are beginning shrink. Her quality of life is improving and slowly so are her relationships. "It has been a long and difficult road", she shares with me; "Yet, I am glad I choose to embark on this journey". "Sounds like you made the decision to live", I say to her. "No, I made the decision to heal. Then life just followed suit."

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